No sign of whitetail was found on the Roonachee side of the bridge. Followed the tracks & discovered a rest zone right on the RR tracks in Balmont about 700 yds from the bridge. Found herd tracks, followed them & discovered a feed zone about 500 yds north of the bridge on the Balmont side close to the water. Never found the need zone for them, but this area has 4 or 5 blacktail zones, so I suspect that they are using one or more of these.Ĥ-Roonachee/Balmont border at the RR bridge. They were about 2/3s of the way up the Cheelah coast towards Norden.

Followed it for well over a mile NE towards the coast. Found "very old" trail of a lone male whitetail near the POI icon for Cheelah Hiking Village. Does not mean that they are not there, just that I did not find them.ģ-Cheelah & Mt Leviathan between the two lakes. Gave it a good search but did not find any tracks or calls. From there the herd headed south & slightly east & discovered a drink zone for them close to the coast.Ģ-Mt Kraken south of the lake. There are (at least) three rabbit 'eating zones' just between Roonachee and the old Roonachee church. Right now I found a 'eating zone' hotspot just 200m SW of the Roonachee outpost, but this is probably randomized. I stalked down a fallow deer buck and took cover inside a bush. Almost everywhere at the meadows, I think. I recently hit level 6 and then bought the antler rattler. I finally got this mission after been at it constantly for about 2-3 days now. A Screenshot of theHunter: Call of the Wild. Found & followed the tracks & discovered a rest zone for 18 whitetail south of the lake about half way to the coast, & they were still there. I finally got it Heres a pic of it FALLOW DEER BUCK.

Searched for a long time & was about to give up when a whitetail female called. Here is the whitetail report from checking the above suggested areas:ġ-Roonachee south of the lake.